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This is the use of electronic technologies especially Information, Education and Communication (ICT) to enhance face to face (f2f) and paper-based transactions. These technologies can be as simple as teleconference or complex in some instances. We would provide the required capacity building and deploy low cost technology options to Health, Education, Climate Change, Wildlife Conservation, Agriculture, Nutrition, Livelihoods and Rural Development sectors. The major components of our e-Extension services will include
1. e-Learning ( Online, Offline and Blended Courses) and digital learning resources
2. , e-Farming and fisheries (Tech Advisory services, Technical Assistance to organizations or Coop Societies, Value-Chain and Agric marketing services,
3. e-Climate education ( Tech advisory services, climate monitoring, flood monitoring, technical assistance

4. E-trading ( microfinancing, agric marketing We have started deploying e-extension to support girl education in Internally Displaced Camps, the use of whatsApp platform on android phones for agricultural extension services for farmers in remote villages. Other delivery channels include voice call, Short Messaging Service (SMS), Electronic Mail, Instant Messaging, Online discussion forum, School on the air (radio). These can be used for training, farm business services, technology demonstration, IEC, Beneficiaries Field School

Our e-extension will reduce the cost of the part of the beneficiaries, training to more with less cost, reduced learning time, increased learning retention, self-paced learning, customization, consistency, and tracking of learning