Home / Technical and Vocational Education
Our participants are taught in class either face to face or virtually and later attached to a mentor (organization and or experts) throughout the study period. The mentee is required to spend at least fifty (50) hours with the mentor every month. This approach is to ensure that our participants acquire:
1. Behaviour competencies required for 21st century work environment
2. Work place competencies and experiences
3. Integrate classroom knowledge into practical and skills development knowledge.
4. Build capacity for future of works and jobs for the future: planning, problem solving, critical thinking, team building and networking.
5. Nurtures well defined self-development career path.
Our facilitators will provide the following technical supports:
a. Track progress and Follow up mentoring activities
b. Organize Supportive monitoring and supervision
c. Organize Peer review and action learning
d. Organize Focus Group Discussion and workshops